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Showing posts with label fashion blogger. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fashion blogger. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

OOTD - July 15, 2014

And for good!!

Les aseguro que proximamente me verán vistiendo muchas faldas o shorts. El caso es que tuve un pequeño "accidente" el pasado sabado jugando Ultimate Frisbee. Y por "accidente" me refiero a que simplemente me tire a buscar el plato!! Mi filosofía fue: para perder el miedo a caer solamente hay que tirarse! y así fue! 


I assure you that I'll be wearing skirts or shorts more than usual now! Last saturday I had a small "accident" while playing Ultimate Frisbee. By "accident" I mean that I literally threw myself to get the disk! My philosophy was: to lose the fear of falling, you just have to jump! So I did!

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Seis Pulgadas: Fashion is our passion.

Como ya había expresado a principio de este año, el 2013 sera un grandioso año para mi en ámbito personal como en mis proyectos.

Bueno les cuento de una nuevo proyecto, una revista online que lleva como titulo Seis Pulgadas. Seis Pulgadas esta dirigida para esos hopeless romantics de la moda, belleza y el estilo, ya que de eso se trata esta revista que a la vez es un blog. Seis Pulgadas cuenta con diferentes segmentos: Moda, Belleza, Trend Report, Coolhunting, Dare to wear, Men's style y el blog.

Esta revista esta compuesta por un hermoso grupo de amantes de la moda, Karla Tejada y Victoria Diaz, y la semana pasada me invitaron a formar parte del equipo Seis Pulgadas, y lo acepte con manos abiertas! Estaré a cargo de los coolhunting, cubriendo eventos, fotografía en general y hasta me tocara escribir de vez en cuando.

 Te invito a que nos sigas!

Thursday, March 28, 2013

2013 Trends Report: 50 Shades of Green.

Ha pasado mucho tiempo desde mi última publicación! Pero I'm back!
Aqui les traigo un nuevo segmento del tema 2013 Trends Report.

 El verde representa el bienesta, equilibrio y armonía.

Y como ya es un poco obvio en el mundo de la moda, el color de este año 2013 es una de las tonalidades del verde, el color esmeralda.
Lo que me encanta del esmeralda es la elegancia que este brinda y lo místico pero radiante que se ve. Este es reconocido como un tono favorecedor, sobrio y fácil de combinar.

Friday, February 1, 2013

2013 Trends Report: 60s, 80s, and 90s inspired hair and outfits.

From 2013 Trends Report .

The colorful and fun sense is synonymous of 60s inspired trends.
Retro has never looks so good and it made a statement in the runways for Spring - Summer 2013 that is definitely a must. 
Keeping it sophisticated is the key!

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Pri's Week - Saturday's Outfit

From my 18th birthday - Pri's Week post, here are the pictures and details of my outfit of the saturday.
Aqui estan las fotos y detalles de mi outfit del sabado en la semana de mi cumple años.
Click "READ MORE" below to see the complete post.  

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Pri's Week - Tuesday's Outfit

From my 18th birthday - Pri's Week post, here are the pictures and details of my outfit of the tuesday.
Aqui estan las fotos y detalles de mi outfit del martes en la semana de mi cumple años.
Click "READ MORE" below to see the complete post. 

Monday, January 14, 2013

Pri's Week - Monday's Outfit

From my 18th birthday - Pri's Week post, here are the pictures and details of my outfit of the monday.
Aqui estan las fotos y detalles de mi outfit del lunes en la semana de mi cumple años.
Click "READ MORE" below to see the complete post. 

Sunday, January 13, 2013

My 18th Birthday - Pri's Week

Last monday (January 7th) was my 18th birthday! I decided that it was worth celebrating it one whole week! 
An entire week acting like it was my birthday every day! DUH! 
And what a week! 
I laughed, I cried, and I danced a lot! It was definitely great!
Click "Read More" below to continue this post.
Thank you everyone who was part of my week!

Sunday, January 6, 2013

2013 Trends Report

Didn't I mention that this year will be bringing great things? Well, in the fashion world, it's already happening! 
I can say that I'm in love with this year's trends. The colors are great and the clothes are to die for.
This year is all about having fun, being relaxed and fresh with what you are wearing, with your fashion outlook.
No había mencionado que este año iba a traer grandes cosas? Bueno en el mundo de la moda esta pasando!
Estoy enamorada de las tendencias de este años. Los colores son hermosos y las piezas de vestir son para morirse y fácil de adquirir y crear un gran look. Este año se trata de divertirte, sentirte relajado y relajado con lo que uses, con tu outfit.
Trending this year:

 Love these colors!

Later on I will be writing about all trends I mentioned separately in order to describe them better.
Hope you like it this post, I'm really excited about this!
Despues estare escribiendo por separado las tendencias mencionadas y asi describirlas mejor.
Estoy mas que emocionada!

Friday, December 28, 2012

December 28, 2012 - ootd

Crop top: Cotton On
Shorts: Vintage Clothes by Paloma De la Cruz
Sneakers: Neon Authentic Vans

These are obviously my fave pair of Shorts. They are amazing! They are from Vintage Clothes by Paloma De la Cruz

 These sneakers speak for themselves! The first time I saw them online I knew there were going to be mine one day! I bought the at NYC last summer. I LOVE the color.

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Friday, December 21, 2012

Winter paradise - ootd

It feels summer all year long at Dominican Republic, so lets go to the pool!
winter break finally!
En Republica Dominicana siempre se siente como en verano!
vacaciones por fin!





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